Global level
Progress towards achieving the 2030 Agenda goals is measured through sustainable development indicators. The list of global indicators was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in July 2017. In 2017, the final set of indicators consisted of 244 indicators, of which 232 were unique. After the refinement in March 2024 the final set of indicators consists of 248 indicators, of which 231 are unique. Data per country are published on the UN website, in the global database, along with metadata. SDG Indicators Database provided Country Profile for either country.
Indicators are an essential tool for monitoring progress towards the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda goals, as well as for following up and monitoring national development and assessing the effectiveness of the measures taken.
The indicators are broken down into three groups according to criteria, whether there is an established methodology for the calculation of data and whether there are data for a given indicator. As of 15th December 2017 there were 93 indicators in the “Tier 1” group (there is an established methodology and also data available to the indicator), in the “Tier 2” group 66 indicators (established methodology but data have not been available yet), and in the “Tier 3” group there are 68 indicators (the methodology has been still developing so far and there have not been data available for the indicators) and 5 indicators are in more “Tier” categories. As of 4 February 2022 the updated list of indicators contains 115 indicators in the “Tier 1”group, 95 indicators in the “Tier 2” group and 2 indicators that have multiple tiers (different components of the indicator are classified into different tiers). As of 6 March 2024 the updated list of indicators contains 157 indicators in the „Tier 1” group, 66 indicators in the „Tier 2” group and 8 indicators that have multiple tiers (different components of the indicator are classified into different tiers). The global indicator framework does not contain any „Tier 3“ indicators. Data availability is designate for all indicators. The Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) is tasked with the methodology development. The indicators will be revised in 2025.
Please click on icon from the list below to find information and data on the relevant goal.
To view the list of indicators after the refinement in March 2024, please click on the List of indicators (xlsx, 87 kB) or List of indicators (pdf, 966 kB)
The Statistical Office of the SR provides data calculated at national level, that are available from the national database DATAcube. on this website. As development of indicators and related progress monitoring is a continuing process, the websites and databases are complemented and updated on an ongoing basis.
Last updated: 24. 05. 2024